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Galloway woman indicted for animal cruelty

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A Galloway Township woman accused of abandoning five dogs in the woods without food or water has been indicted for animal cruelty.
Jodi Wozniak, 45, left the adult dogs in the woods off North Pitney Road in September, acting Atlantic County Prosecutor Cary Shill said.
Some of the dogs were tethered to a tree and others were inside kennels with no food or water, Officer David LaSassa wrote in his report.
The German shepherd/Belgian malinois had been left alone at least 15 hours, according to the property’s owner.
The dogs were taken to Atlantic County Animal Shelter and put on a protective hold. Wozniak refused to surrender them.
On Sept. 21, Wozniak was arrested for trespassing back on the property following a judicial eviction order that was signed a week earlier.
Wozniak also was accused of using a stolen credit card to pay for services rendered at the Linwood Animal Hospital concerning five sick puppies she brought in.
In that case, the puppies reportedly had the parvovirus, a contagious virus that is highly deadly but can be prevented by a vaccine.
Three of the puppies had to be euthanized, one was released to Wozniak and the other continued receiving treatment. It was not clear where that case stands.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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