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Leader of EHC drug-trafficking network sentenced to 24 years in prison

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An Egg Harbor City man who admitted leading a drug-trafficking network was sentenced to 24 years in prison Friday. Kenneth Burrell, 40, must serve at least 10½ years before he is eligible for parole. Burrell previously admitted to years of crimes. He said that last year he directed multiple sales of heroin in Egg Harbor City and possessed a community gun in Mullica Township. Three people were directed to sell heroin for him, while he took orders and set prices, Burrell admitted. He also said he had three men working for him Georgia, obtaining guns and bringing them into New Jersey illegally. He admitted that he gave a false name to Galloway Township police in 2016. And in 2015, he sold more than a half-ounce of heroin in Mullica Township. Burrell was arrested during a motor vehicle stop in Mullica Township on March 30, 2017. Seven handguns and multiple magazines were found inside the vehicle’s trunk, Atlantic County Prosecutor Damon Tyner said. A loaded semi-automatic Glock was found in the passenger compartment of the car. Law enforcement also seized more than 120 folds of heroin. It was the result of an investigation by the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office Gangs, Guns and Narcotics Unit, the FBI and other federal, state, county and local law enforcement agencies. Burrell, who has multiple past convictions, is currently charged under federal indictment for illegal purchase of the firearms in Georgia. His plea agreement recommends the New Jersey cases be served concurrently, and permits any sentence imposed by the Federal District Court for the illegal firearms purchase to run concurrent to the New Jersey sentence, meaning it doesn’t add time. Burrell has been jailed since his arrest.

Lynda Cohen

Lynda Cohen founded BreakingAC after working as a local newspaper reporter for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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