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Teen driver arrested in EHT crash that injured high school students

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A 17-year-old Egg Harbor Township High School student was going more than 40 miles an hour over the posted speed limit when he crashed, causing injuries to his two passengers, police said.

The teen, whose name was not released due to his age, was arrested Sunday and charged with two counts of assault by auto, Lt. Cherie Burgan said.

He was driving to the High School west on Mill Road on the morning of Nov. 1, when another vehicle went into the intersection at Tremont Avenue, and he made “an evasive maneuver” before losing control, Burgan previously said

An investigation found he was speeding when the crash happened. He also faces motor vehicle summonses that include speeding, reckless driving and careless driving.

Both passengers survived, but will have a long road to recovery, Burgan said.

The other driver was not cited.

The cited driver was charged and released on summonses.

The Egg Harbor Township Police Department used the incident to remind parents to have discussions with their teenage drivers about the impact their driving choices can have on not only themselves, but on the community as a whole.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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