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Three sentenced in Atlantic City drive-by shooting

Quran Fenwick

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Three Atlantic City men were sentenced Monday for their parts in a 2021 drive-by shooting that wounded a city man.

Armaad Brooks-Chappell, Adresce Jones and Quran Fenwick — who was a juvenile at the time — fired at the then-22-year-old victim from a stolen vehicle in the 1600 block of Sewell Avenue on Aug. 12, 2021.

The victim, identified as M.B., was struck several times, including in the face and shoulder. He underwent emergency surgery and survived.

Authorities said at the time that the shooting was gang related.

All three were sentenced Monday for attempted murder.

Jones, now 20, and Brooks-Chappelle, 21, were sentenced to 10 years in prison for charges that also included unlawful possession of community guns, which are guns shared by a group.

They must serve at least 8½ years before parole eligibility.

Fenwick, now 19, also pleaded to possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose, and was sentenced as an adult to seven years in state prison with 85 percent, or nearly six years, of parole ineligibility under the No Early Release Act.

Faheem Harris

Faheem Harris, now 22, and Brooks-Chappell's mother, Beatrice Chappelle, previously pleaded guilty to witness tampering.

Chappelle was sentenced to five years' probation.

Harris faces three years in prison when he is sentenced Sept. 18.


Lynda Cohen

Lynda Cohen founded BreakingAC after working as a local newspaper reporter for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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