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Alleged child abduction try at Maurice River Wawa

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New Jersey State Police are asking for the public's help in identifying a man accused of trying to abduct a child in Cumberland County on Sunday.

The 7-year-old boy was using the men's bathroom while his mother was in the women's room at the Dorchester Wawa in Maurice River when it happened, according to police.

The unidentified man went into the bathroom at about 12:20 p.m. and offered the child candy to leave with him, according to the report.

When the boy declined, the man grabbed the boy's arm and tried to remove him from the store, police said. The child was able to break free and ran to his mother.

The man then left the store.

Video shows the man walking into the store and then the child — whose face is blurred to protect his identity — runs past the door and the man is seen leaving.

A police sketch of the man was also released, along with still photos from video surveillance.

The man was wearing blue jeans and a maroon or burgundy T-shirt. It is believed he left in a white Toyota 4-Runner.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the New Jersey State Police Port Norris Station at 856-785-0036. Anonymous tips are welcome.


Lynda Cohen

Lynda Cohen founded BreakingAC after working as a local newspaper reporter for more than two decades. She is an NJPA award-winner and was a Stories of Atlantic City fellow.

Sunday, June 02, 2024
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